Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Michelle Roodt


Michelle won a shoot with me including the styling and make-up for the shoot. She won the shoot at a ladies night that was organised by Lomatrio Events in Krugersdorp. Michelle - at first very shy and not used to someone taking photographs of her, but she warmed up to the whole idea quite easily. It was a Saturday morning and it started out sunny but it wasn't long until the rain started. But wonder above wonder everytime we went out to shoot and got to where we wanted to take the photographs the rain stopped. What a fun day*

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mr & Mrs Alberts

The little bottles at the top of this image was used to indicate the table placements... each guest received their own private message from the bride and groom! How special! PlaasPop had the honour of helping Rachel and Johan with the gifts and stationary of their special day...
*photographs by detoi photography

You have seen the save the date of this special couple - finally - as promised! Now you know what the invitations looked like! If you are getting married soon... keep us in mind for your unique invitations!
*photographs by Jenny van den Berg

Friday, September 9, 2011

Brooches for sale!

Now you can own your own PlaasPop Brooch - one of a kind! Please contact me if you are interested in buying one/both of these brooches! They are lovely gifts and make a fun fashion statement!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

'n kreatiewe kombuis

Ek weet nie of meeste huisvrouens so is nie en of dit net my moeder is nie maar daar is altyd een of ander botteltjie ingelegte ietsie in die spens. Of dit nou beet is of suur uietjies en of dit nou konfyt is maar elke bottel het 'n "label" met wat dit is en die datum wat dit ingele is. Na 'n kuiertjie by die Du Toit woning gaan jy nooit lee hande huis toe nie!
Buiten die konfyt kook en beet inle het my ma en haar buurvrou begin om saam te bak! Enige iets wat jy aan kan dink... koeksusters, wilds pastei en al wat lekker ding is. Die twee deel nie net hul liefde vir bak nie - hulle het ook dieselfde van. Nou ja so moes al die gebak ook "labels" kry! Plaaspop was al te gretig om die twee se gebak te beplak!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mr & Mrs Strachan

It is almost time for the big day for Juanita and Rocco... this is the electronic wedding invitation that I did for them. May God bless you with the most amazing marrage!

Post Card

Askham Post Office guesthouse is based in the heart of the Kalahari Desert. And it just so happens that my mother is the owner! So if you are ever looking for a place to stay in that area - make a booking! Anyway, she had a group of magazine editors who  came to stay there with Kalahari Spa and she wanted to give them a little something to make them feel welcome... she asked me to do a little something to promote her guesthouse! And this is what I came up with.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Prezzie boxes...

Dit was onlangs 'n vriendin van my se verjaarsdag... en my kreatiewe "crave" was weer in die lug! Ek het toe besluit om vir haar boxies te maak vir haar geskenke! So as jy weer 'n spesiale verjaarsdag het - kontak my gerus vir 'n unieke "wrapping" of "box"...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

gifts for the soon to be MRS ALBERTS

A week before we left for Rachel's bachelorette weekend away just sent a reminder out to the girls going as well as a mailer to indecate what presents they can give to the soon to be "Mrs. Alberts"

The ultimate girls weekend away!

Julle het die "save the date" van Rachel en Johan gesien.... so natuurlik moes daar 'n "bachelorettes" wees. Ons het haar verras met 'n naweek wat ons haar weg geneem het na 'n plaas! Die altimate girls weekend! En was dit nou 'n fees. Ek het 'n uitnodiging gestuur aan al die naby vriendinne van rachel - ek "share" dit met julle...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mari & Charl-Frederick Joubert

Die troue het ek 'n paar jaar gelede al gedoen... maar is steeds na aan my hart. Dit was 'n trou op die dorpie waar my wortels le! Die twee "high school sweethearts" ken ek al van uit my laerskool dae. Dit was die mooiste diens en wat dit nog soveel meer spesiaal gemaak het was dat die twee hulle dogter in dieselfde diens gedoop het kort na die huweliksbevestiging. Dit was 'n fees om die fotograaf en "hair stylist" te kon wees - daar was hope avontuur, die bruidskar het ook nog getwaans die dag, maar toe die partykie eers begin toe is dit een groot joligheid!