

Michelle won a shoot with me including the styling and make-up for the shoot. She won the shoot at a ladies night that was organised by Lomatrio Events in Krugersdorp. Michelle - at first very shy and not used to someone taking photographs of her, but she warmed up to the whole idea quite easily. It was a Saturday morning and it started out sunny but it wasn't long until the rain started. But wonder above wonder everytime we went out to shoot and got to where we wanted to take the photographs the rain stopped. What a fun day*
I took this image during my final year of studies in 2008. It is a fashion photography piece that I did for one of my projects, and I have to admit that it is still one of my favorites...

click on the image for an enlarged view


Die troue het ek 'n paar jaar gelede al gedoen... maar is steeds na aan my hart. Dit was 'n trou op die dorpie waar my wortels le! Die twee "high school sweethearts" ken ek al van uit my laerskool dae. Dit was die mooiste diens en wat dit nog soveel meer spesiaal gemaak het was dat die twee hulle dogter in dieselfde diens gedoop het kort na die huweliksbevestiging. Dit was 'n fees om die fotograaf en "hair stylist" te kon wees - daar was hope avontuur, die bruidskar het ook nog getwaans die dag, maar toe die partykie eers begin toe is dit een groot joligheid!